World Interfaith Harmony Week
Feb 1-7 2020 is the World Interfaith Harmony Week. It extends the Two Commandments by adding ‘Love of the Good, and Love of the...

Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas - not the preparation that involves lists and presents and Christmas wrapping. This...

Global week of action, Nov 6-15. Working towards a world where our land and oceans are full of life, not plastic.
International Day of Non-Violence
Gandhi, who helped lead India to independence, has been the inspiration for non-violent movements for civil rights and social change...

International Day of Peace
From the United Nations website: Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General...

St Aidans Day
This Sunday we celebrate St Aidan and the inspiration he is to us. We will join together for a shared lunch after the 10am service.

Plastic Free July
Plastic waste is everywhere. Plastic Free July gives us the opportunity to see that we really do not need the many processed packages...

Op shop bargains
St Aidan's Op Shop on Heaphy Tce has a wonderful array of good quality clothing and goods. Be sure to call in, when you see the flags...

Supporting Anglican Action
St Aidan's has a long history with Anglican Action. Did you know that you can financially support the work of Anglican Action through...

Morning of reflection and prayer
Friday 14th June Time: 9.30-12pm Venue: Saint James, 82 Nixon St. Hamilton East Facilitator: Jan Sampson You are welcome to bring your...