A Pentecost Prayer
Come Holy Spirit, Our hearts cry out for more of you, Lord, In a world full of brokenness, Show us how to use our gifts to repair and...

Journeying God
God of our earthly tents, God of our guiding light: you led your people through a desert and resisted a permanent home. You knew that a...

God of Love
God who commands us to love, God who remains God with us: your answer, your solution, your remedy for our ills is not a product we can...

God of this moment
God of this latest moment, God of this lifelong path: we are meandering through unbounded time without clarity of an endpoint. Like...

God of the world we create, God of the world you reveal: may our way be not of escape, but of further connection. May our life be not for...

For the weary
God of the weary, God of the burdened: after six straight weeks, it would be stranger if fatigue didn’t set it, not only for those who...

Close the chasm
God of those in plenty, God of those in want: this disease separates us one from another. It also exposes an underlying division that has...