Tēnā Koutou Katoa – Haere mai.
Welcome to Eitana Tapu | St Aidan's
Anglican Church
At St Aidan's, we desire to be a community that is transformed by seeing, hearing, and understanding the love of God. We believe God’s love transforms us as our minds are renewed; as God’s love transforms us, we can work to live as people of God’s kingdom where aroha (love), rongo (peace), and hari (joy) permeate all that we do. St Aidan's is an Anglican parish, part of the Diocese of Waikato Taranaki, in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.
Worship at St Aidan's
We warmly invite you to join with us for Sunday morning Eucharist
A simple liturgy of the Eucharist without music
A liturgy of the Eucharist with hymns
Our Services
We believe that worshipping together is central to the life of our faith community. As an Anglican parish, our services follow A New Zealand Prayer Book Eucharistic Liturgy. Our 8am service is a smaller, more contemplative gathering with a spoken Eucharist. Our 10am service includes hymns and concludes with a morning tea.